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Catena della Solidarietà 

and Associazione a Tutela e Difesa degli animali

In contrast to what we have done in the past, we want to engage not only in one area, but on two fronts. In view of the difficult times

we are experiencing all over the world, we have decided that Kaizen will donate part of his proceeds to "Catena della Solidarietà".

The association is committed to the people and families in Switzerland who suffer the hardest health consequences,

social and economic of the virus (COVID-19).

The Kaizen brand is also committed to the "Associazione Tutela e Difesa Animali" (ATDA). This company is responsible

for offering a safe place and taking care of the pets around Switzerland.

We would like to underline that we are extremely grateful to the people and associations that, in the front line, are fighting

for the causes to which we too have decided to adhere, in our own way.

With the sale of the first Kaizen Clothing Line we have donated CHF 306.

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